Undergraduate Research Conference: Ethnography of the University

When and Where

Wednesday, November 27, 2024 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Anthropology Building
19 Ursula Franklin


Student Life has emerged as a domain where experts engage with students to facilitate learning, enhance wellbeing, minimize stress, and promote a healthy and productive university experience. But for most students at U of T, Student Life (like most parts of the institution) is a black box: they have no idea what goes on there. Through ethnographic research, students in ANT 473 set out to find out what does Student Life do? Come hear their findings. Everyone welcome!

For online attendance, please register at this URL: https://utoronto.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsfuqrqTMsH9YXbEQJBbf9zQoQ5bw3JS0x

Contact Information


Ethnography Lab , Department of Anthropology