ANT364H1F Advocating Environmental and Climate Justice
The application form can be found here
Application Deadline: July 25, 2024 (We will accept applications after the deadline if space is available)
Course Description:
This course is designed for students eager to participate in, and reflect on, on-going advocacy on climate and environmental justice. Students will be placed, either as individuals, in partners, or in teams, with a government, non-profit or community advocacy group to collaboratively address a specific problem or need of the organization. In classroom discussions, and in assignments students will have an opportunity to reflect critically on their experiences, explore social and ethical issues, and integrate placements with course readings in ways that mobilize or perhaps challenge academic knowledge. Assignments will integrate practice in a range of forms of expression (for instance personal story, policy brief, podcast, interview, news release, or blog) to support the development of the range of expressive skills needed to support working for change.
Prerequisite: ANT204H1 or ANT207H1 or ANT215H1 Students who do not meet the prerequisite are encouraged to contact the Department.
Distribution Requirement Status: This is a Social Science course
Breadth Requirement: Society and its Institutions (3)
ARH361Y/H Field Archaeology
Opportunity for students participating in non-degree credit archaeological digs to submit reports, field notes and term papers for degree credit. The application form should be submitted at least one week prior to the beginning of classes.
Instructions and Application Process:
- If you find an archaeological dig that you wish to participate in, you must obtain permission from the Undergraduate Office PRIOR to participation. Please contact Josie Alaimo about this.
- When you return, submit a letter to the Undergraduate Office from the organizers confirming your participation.
- Find a supervisor (usually an Archaeology professor).
- Fill in an application form (please note that the supervisor must sign this form).
- Submit the application form to the Undergraduate Office.
- For more information and to obtain the application form: contact Josie Alaimo in the Undergraduate Office.
ANT491H/Y Internship in Anthropology
This course is an opportunity to apply acquired knowledge in anthropology or archeology in a work placement environment. Opportunities may include local community organizations, international development organizations, museum or heritage projects, or media production projects. Only internships that require knowledge and skills in anthropology and/or archeology will be considered. Student must fulfill responsibilities of the internship as well as complete a final research paper. If qualified, the student’s internship supervisor will mark the final paper for the course; if not, an appropriate academic supervisor will be assigned from within the Dept. of Anthropology. Not eligible for CR/NCR option. The application form should be submitted at least one week prior to the beginning of classes.
- Prerequisite: Fourth year; major or specialist in a program in Anthropology; 3.0 FCEs in Anthropology
Application Form: Please contact Josie Alaimo, Undergraduate Administrator for the application form.
Deadlines: Summer 2025 (F and Y courses) - April 28, 2025, Summer 2025 (S courses) - June 25, 2025
Laboratory or practical research on an archaeological project that emphasizes methods and research design in archaeology. Students must obtain the consent of a Supervisor before enrolling. Students are required to give an oral presentation of research results to an open meeting of the Archaeology Centre at the conclusion of the course. Application must be made to the Anthropology Department. The application form should be submitted at least one week prior to the beginning of classes.
- Prerequisite: A minimum of 14 credits, permission of Supervisor and Undergraduate Coordinator.
- Exclusion: ANT497Y1
- Recommended Preparation: ARH205H1, ARH312Y1
Application Form: Please contact Josie Alaimo, Undergraduate Administrator for the application form.
Deadlines: Summer 2025 (F and Y courses) - April 28, 2025, Summer 2025 (S courses) - June 25, 2025
ANT497Y/ANT498H/ANT499H Independent Research Course
Supervised independent research on a topic agreed on by the student and supervisor before enrolment in the course. Open in exceptional circumstances to advanced students with a strong background in Anthropology. Course Supervisor must be a member of the Anthropology faculty. A maximum of one year of Independent Research courses is allowed per program. The application form should be submitted at least one week prior to the beginning of classes.
- Prerequisite: A minimum of 10 credits, permission of Supervisor and Undergraduate Coordinator.
Application Form: Please contact Josie Alaimo, Undergraduate Administrator for the application form.
Deadlines: Summer 2025 (F and Y courses) - April 28, 2025, Summer 2025 (S courses) - June 25, 2025