We invite you to the Screening of Plastic Peoples Documentary, to raise awareness and spark action on the growing issue of plastic pollution. You will get to participate in the first screening on the UofT campus and engage with our panel members & members from Wellington Water Watchers–a non-profit advocating for human rights to clean water and sanitation in Canada. The Plastic Peoples Movie Screening and Discussion Panel would bring together a diverse range of voices, including frontline advocates, Indigenous community members, experts across generations, and policy leaders tackling this issue at various levels of government.
This event is a unique opportunity for students and attendees to engage in meaningful conversations, learn about actionable next steps, and connect with Indigenous leaders, environmental activists, and non-profit organizations. We encourage everyone to join us—whether in person (on a first come basis open to 50 attendees) or virtually—to explore how we can move from awareness to action and make a positive impact in our communities.
The event will take place on November 21st from 2 pm to 5 pm at Robarts Theatre (RL 3-025) followed by a powerful discussion panel on environmental justice and water accessibility. Hear from experts, including Layla Staats (Indigenous Film-maker), Zoie Diana (postdoc, Chelsea Rochman Lab, UTSC), Bev Thorp (Greenpeace), and Cassie Barker (Environmental Defence), as we dive into the impact of microplastics and explore meaningful solutions.
Reserve your spot through the QR code or via this link: https://forms.gle/zrRt62Cy8yZsmpj46.