- Downtown Toronto (St. George)
Fields of Study
- Archaeology
- North America
Areas of Interest
Research keywords: Indigenous Archaeologies, Collaborative Community Based Research, Ethnohistory/Oral history, Settler colonialism, Decolonization, Feminism(s), Oral History, Critical Cartography
Research region: North America
My name is Lindsay M. Montgomery, and I am an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Indigenous Studies at the University of Toronto St. George campus. My work draws on methods and theories in Indigenous Archaeology; a theoretical and methodological paradigm that includes research with, for, and by Native peoples. I position myself as an ally in Indigenous efforts to reclaim cultural heritage and create counter-histories of persistence, resistance, and survivance. I come at this work from a Feminist standpoint as a multi-racial (Scottish & African American descent), middle class, woman. Building on my interests in Black and Indigenous interactions, ethnohistory, critical cartography, and material culture, I am currently involved in three collaborative projects:
- Tribally led research with Picuris Pueblo that investigates the community's evolving inter-ethnic interactions and socio-economic practices in New Mexico
- Multi institutional research with the "Remediating the Mound Builders" project in which I investigate the intersections of Black and Indigenous labor on mounds and earthworks across North America.
- An interdisciplinary initiative that documents the digital divide among Canadian Black and Indigenous groups and develops community engaged technology solutions.
Montgomery, Lindsay M. and Tiffany C. Freyer. The Future of Archaeology Is (Still) Community Collaboration. Antiquity 97(394): 795-809.
Montgomery, Lindsay M. 2023. “You Have Harmed Us”: Stories of Violence, Narratives of Hope among the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe. American Anthropologist 125 (2).
Montgomery, Lindsay M. 2022. Critical Reflections on the Archaeology of Settler Colonialism in North America. Annual Review of Anthropology 51(4): 475-491.
Nicholas Laluk, Lindsay M. Montgomery, Joseph Aguilar, Christine McCleave, Rose Miron, Peter Nelson, Tsim Schneider, Jun Sunseri, Ashleigh Big Wolfe Thompson, GeorgeAnn DiAntoni, Rebecca Tsosie . 2022. Social Justice in Native North American Archaeology. American Antiquity: 1-24. DOI:10.1017/aaq.2022.59
Montgomery, Lindsay M. 2021. A History of Mobility in New Mexico: Mobile Landscapes and Persistent Places. Routledge.
Montgomery, Lindsay M. 2021. “A Rejoinder to Body Bags: Indigenous Resilience and Epidemic Disease, from COVID-19 to First “Contact”. American Indian Arts and Culture Journal 44 (3): 65-86.
Crellin, Rachel, Craig Cipolla, Oliver Harris, Lindsay M. Montgomery, and Sophie Moore. 2020. Archaeological Theory in Dialogue: Situating Rationality, Ontology, Posthumanism and Indigenous Paradigms. Routledge.
Montgomery, Lindsay M. 2019. Nomadic economics: The logic and logistics of Comanche Imperialism in New Mexico. Journal of Social Archaeology.
Montgomery, Lindsay M. and Chip Colwell. 2019. Objects of Survivance: A Material History of the American Indian School Experience. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.
Montgomery, Lindsay M. 2018. Memories that Haunt: Reconciling with the Ghosts of the American Indian School System. International Journal of Heritage Studies.