- Downtown Toronto (St. George)
Fields of Study
- Sociocultural Anthropology
- South Asia
Areas of Interest
Research Keywords: Language, ideology and political economy, gender and social structure
Research Region: East and Mainland South East Asia, Vietnam
Having regularly conducted field research in Vietnam since 1987, Dr. Luong has published 9 books, as well as numerous book chapters and articles in major academic journals on language, social organization, and political economy in Vietnam. Dr. Luong’s current projects in Vietnam focus on discourse, gender, political economy, gifts and social capital, and sociocultural transformation in rural and urbanizing communities in the northern and southern parts of Vietnam.
Ph.D. (Harvard University, 1981)
Publications since 2006
2012 Vibrant Societies: The Dynamics of Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Asia (edited by Amrita Daniere and Hy V; Luong). London: Routledge.
2010 Hiện đại và động thái của truyền thống ở Việt Nam: Những cách tiếp cận nhân học (Modernities and the Dynamics of Tradition in Vietnam: Anthropological Approaches, edited by Hy V. Luong et al.). Hồ Chí Minh City: National University of Hồ Chí Minh City Press.
2010 Tradition, Revolution, and Market Economy in a North Vietnamese Village, 1925-2006. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
2009 Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis (edited by Hy V. Luong). Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
Special Journal Issue:
2022 COVID-19 in Asia: Governance and the Politics of the Pandemic, special issue of Pacific Affairs LXXXXV (4), co-edited with John Harriss.
Selected book chapters and journal articles
2023 “The State, Local Sociocultural Landscape, and Global Neoliberal Ideology in Vietnam: A Dialogic Process,” [Presidential Address to the Association for Asian Studies] Journal of Asian Studies LXXXII(3): 311-338. Available free online until late November 2023:
2022 “Vietnam’s War against COVID-19,” Pacific Affairs LXXXXV (4): 757-786.
2021 “Sociocultural Life and Social Relations in Rural Vietnamese Lowlands,” (Hy V. Luong and Phan Văn Dốp), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Vietnam, ed. Jonathan London, pp. 339-353. London: Routledge.
2021 “Translocal Households and Family Visions in Contemporary Vietnam: A Neoliberal Shift?” European Journal of East Asian Studies XX: 192-218. Reprinted in Rural Life in Late Socialism: Politics of Development and Imaginaries of the Future, edited by Phill Wilcox, Jonathan Riggs, and Minh T. N. Nguyen, pp. 185-210. Leiden: Brill
2020 “Shifting Referential Perspective in Vietnamese Speech Interaction,” (Hy V. Luong and Jack Sidnell, Studies in the Anthropology of Language of Mainland Southeast Asia, edited by N. J. Enfield, Jack Sidnell, and Charles H. P. Zuckerman, pp. 11-22. Special Publication No. 6 of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
2018 “Social Capital Configuration Variation and the Contemporary Transformation of Rural Vietnam,” Pacific Affairs Vol 91 (2): 283-307.
2018 “The Changing Configuration of Rural-Urban Migration and Remittance Flow in Vietnam,” Sojourn Vol. 33 (3): 602-646. Free downloading at (
2018 “A Mobile Trading Network from Central Coastal Vietnam: Growth, Social Network, and Gender,” in Traders in Motion, ed. Kirsten Endres and Ann-Marie Leshkowich, pp. 89-104. Ithaca: Cornell University Southeast Asian Program Monograph.
2017 “The Reconstruction of Heritage in Rural Vietnam,” in Citizens, Civil Society and Heritage-Making in Asia, ed. Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, Hui Yew-Foong, and Philippe Peycam, pp. 86-113. Singapore and Leiden: ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, International Institute of Asian Studies, and Academia Sinica.
2016 “Social Relations, Regional Variation, and Economic Inequality in Contemporary Vietnam: A View from Two Rural Vietnamese Communities,” in Connected and Disconnected in Vietnam, edited by Philip Taylor, pp. 41-72. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
2016 “Gender Relations in Vietnam: Ideologies, Kinship Practices, and Political Economy,” in Weaving Women’s Spheres in Vietnam, edited by Kato Atsufumi, pp. 25-56. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
2015 “Managing Research in a Developing Country,” in The Sage Handbook of Research Management, edited by Robert Dingwall and Mary McDonnell. New York: Sage.
2012 “Multiple Narratives on Migration in Vietnam and Their Methodological Implications,” in Wind over Water: Migration in an East Asian Context, edited by David Haines et al., pp. 107-124. New York: Berghan.
2012 “Thương thảo để tái lập và sáng tạo “truyển thống”: Tiến trình tái cấu trúc lễ hội cộng đồng tại một làng Bắc bộ” (Negotiation to Re-establish and to Invent “Tradition”: The Re-structuring of Community Festival in a North Vietnamese Village, by Hy V. Luong and Trương Huyền Chi) in Những thành tựu nghiên cứu bước đầu của Khoa Nhân học, edited by the Department of Anthropology, National University of Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City, pp. 235-279. Ho Chi Minh City: National University of Ho Chi Minh City Press
2010 “Quà và vốn xã hội ở hai cộng đồng nông thôn Việt Nam” (Gifts and Social Capital in Two Rural Vietnamese Communities), in Hiện đại và động thái của truyền thống ở Việt Nam (Modernities and the Dynamics of Tradition in Vietnam), Vol. 1, edited by H. V. Luong et al., pp. 397-424. Hồ Chí Minh City: National University of Hồ Chí Minh City Press.
2010 “Community Festivals in Rural Northern and Southern Vietnam: A Comparative Analysis of Their Different Dynamics” in special English-language issue on Festivals in Contemporary Vietnam, Thông báo khoa học (Journal of the Vietnam Institute of Cultural and Arts Studies), Vol 28 (Oct. 2010): 135-148.
2009 “Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty: Hồ Chí Minh City in Comparative Perspectives” in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 1-28. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
2009 “Hồ Chí Minh City: Economic Growth, Migration and Urbanization,” in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 31-49. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
2009 “Rural Migration to Hồ Chí Minh City: A Tale of Two Regions,” in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 77-102. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
2009 “Poverty, Household Structure and Demography in Hồ Chí Minh City: An Analysis of Their Sociocultural Dimensions,” in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 257-278. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
2009 “Gender of Household Heads and Living Standards in Urban Vietnam: The Case of Hồ Chí Minh City,” (by Hy V. Luong and Nguyễn thị Hòa), in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 279-295. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
2009 “Labor Market, Urban Informal Economy, and Earnings during Rapid Economic Growth: The Case of Hồ Chí Minh City,” (by Hy V. Luong and Dileni Gunewardena), in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 211-256. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
2009 “Income Inequality and Health Care Access in Urban Vietnam: The Case of Hồ Chí Minh City,” (by Hy V. Luong, Phạm Thành Duy, and Phan Thành Lời), in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 155-173. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
2009 “Education Expenses, Migration, and the Schooling of Youth in Urban Vietnam,” (by Hy V. Luong and Vũ Văn Ngọc), in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 192-208. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
2009 “Residential Housing in the Process of Urbanization: Factors Influencing Housing Improvement in Hồ Chí Minh City,” (by Trần Thái Ngọc Thành and Hy V. Luong), in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 174-191. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
2009 “Rural-to-Urban Migration in Vietnam: A Tale of Three Regions” in Reconfiguring Families in Contemporary Vietnam, edited by D. Belanger and M. Barbierim pp. 391-420. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
2008 “Urbanization in China in the 1990s: Patterns and Regional Variations,” (by Zai Liang, Hy V. Luong, and Yiu-Por Chen), Urban China in Transition, edited by John Logan, pp. 205-225. Oxford: Blackwell
2007 “Vietnam in 2006: Stronger Global Integration and Resolve for Better Governance” Asian Survey XLVII(1): 168-174
2007 “The Restructuring of Vietnamese Nationalism, 1954-2006” Pacific Affairs LXXX(3): 439-453 (Holland Prize from Pacific Affairs)
2006 “Structure, Practice, and History: Contemporary Anthropological Research on Vietnam” Journal of Vietnamese Studies I: 371-410