Prof. Susan Pfeiffer is very pleased to announce the most recent publication arising out of work on the ancestral teeth that were retained with the permission of the Huron-Wendat. Their ancestral remains were repatriated and reburied in September 2013.
This is the third collaborative publication, with another manuscript recently submitted and a new project in the works.
Prof. Pfeiffer hopes these papers will effectively demonstrate to a broad readership that the retention of small tissue samples – like individual teeth – can allow descendants to learn about their ancestors through scientific archaeology.
"Maize, fish and deer: Investigating dietary staples among ancestral Huron-Wendat villages, as documented from tooth samples" by Susan Pfeiffer, Judith C. Sealy, Ronald F. Williamson, Suzanne Needs-Howarth, and Louis Lesage has been published by American Antiquity (81.3:515-532) and can be read below.
Maize, Fish, and Deer: Investigating Dietary Staples (PDF)